Jack is an OTTB (Off the Track Thoroughbred) who came home from work with me one day. I will post his full story on another page. But tonight I spent some time with him in addition to Emma. I actually tried the Masterson Method first on Jack. Jack tends to be kind of a busy guy, so getting him to stand still for the treatment was at first a bit challenging. But almost immediately, he started to take notice of what I was doing, and then became very focused on the whole project. He then proceeded to become very expressive – so much so that I just began to laugh at every new release. He yawned and stretched and licked and chewed and his eyes rolled back in his head… too funny, and also gave me some confidence that maybe I was doing things right.
Jack: steps over better behind (i.e. steps further, however seems to “fall” through the last phase of the step.) MM (Masterson Method, not Mucous Membranes)=Reactive all through neck.
Emma: more stepping, trotting on line, some canter on the right lead. The left is a little hard on a small circle yet. We are working on a rope halter with a 10′ rope and I walk/run big circles in the middle so she doesn’t have to make such a small one (have I mentioned Emma is 17h?). Hopefully, the cavesson will be back from the leather repair shop soon so we can work on a full length line.